
    At some point, this will be replaced with an official, global "privacy and terms of service" policies on At that time, this message will be updated and you agree you will check for such a message before you login. As this is just a test / private community for now, I am just providing data vendors as we have no marketing involve processing your data at this time. That will change once we become a serious project, if we get that far, and need to support ourselves financially. (or Abydon ends up unemployed and needs to pay for hosting/etc)

    Official Communities

  • Discord @ Our Discord Server
  • GitHub @ Our Org
  • Backup Chat System: Libera Chat @ : 6697 :: #idleinteractive
  • [missing privacy policy; use only if you want to] @ Feedbase

  • Backend Processing

    Hosting Providers
  • Aquatis.Host
  • HostBrr
  • ColoCrossing

  • CDNs
  • Cloudflare

  • Backups
  • BorgBase

  • Mail Providers
  • MailTrap
  • We intend to use them for legal notices, password resets, confirmation of accounts, and linking accounts between services [discord, payment/billing].
  • At some point, we may send IdleInteractive's announcements to these e-mails but we have neither the time nor the budget for the time being.

  • System Notifications
  • Pushover